The Full Story
Silent Wealth is a credit restoration firm that specializes in providing businesses coaching, credit restoration, and financial education. The world has already invented various of products and services to bring people out of poverty yet millions of people do not know how to access capital. Our firm has expert knowledge in investment portfolios, insurance, real estate purchases, credit building, home purchasing, auto purchases, and apartment approvals.
Too many people lack the knowledge on how to manage and maximize basic credit skills that will later effect their ability to be successful. Our firm seeks to bridge that gap and provide an education and services easy enough for kindergartens to follow. Silent Wealth is here to help guide and teach you the correct path that will lead you to financial freedom. Silent wealth is currently contracted by a non profit organization that has an initiative help provide 3000 businesses with technical assistance and capacity building to access capital from financial institutions ​
The Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce provide business with $1000 technical and silent wealth can be used as a preferred provider that can provide credit restoration service for business owners who participate in the initiative at the expense of using some of the $1000 technical assistance grant. Silent wealth is also contracted by the non profit to provide participants of the initiative with credit restoration advice, action plans, and DIY to structure their credit profile for personal and business success.
My name is Daniel Armstrong and I am the founder and CEO of Silent Wealth. I am an alumni from Marquette University majoring in finance and marketing for the Class of 2020. After creating multiple entities for myself I realized the value in the information I obtained over the past 5 years. After being asked for help from multiple individuals I decided to create a firm that helps educate people on all information pertaining to finances. I like to consider myself to be knowledgeable in everything personal finances so if there’s something I don’t have the answer to give me 24 hours and I will return with a detailed analysis.